10 Tips To Optimize Your Video Press Release Effectiveness

1 year ago 348

10 Ways To Increase The Effectiveness Of Your Video Press Release


Video press releases are a great way to promote your company or product. They can be used for marketing purposes and may even show up on social media, but they don't always have the same impact as a text-based video press release service. If you're looking to increase the effectiveness of your video press release, here are some best practices to follow:

Offer your view first up in your video news release.

The first thing you should do is to give a brief overview of your company. Talk about the problem or issue you are solving, as well as some statistics that show how effective this solution is.

Next, showcase your client list. You can also talk about your team and their experience with your brand. Finally, talk about values that make up who you are as an organization and what makes it different from other companies in the same industry space (for example: “We care about our clients because they're important to us”).

Target your audience in your video news release.

Target your audience in your video news release.

The first step in creating an effective video news release examples is to know who you are talking to and what they want to hear about, so that your message can resonate with them. When it comes to video news releases, targeting the right people is especially important because if you're not targeting a specific audience, then there's no way for viewers of your video news release to be sure if you're speaking directly on behalf of a company or organization.

The best way for companies or organizations to identify their target audience is by considering:

  • Who is it that we want our videos aimed at? The answers might vary based on industry type (e-commerce vs non-profit), but generally speaking there will be some commonalities between these types of businesses; e-commerce has its own set of needs when compared against other industries like manufacturing or healthcare which might require different types of marketing strategies than those used by larger companies like Walmart."

Keep your videos short and to the point.

When it comes to writing a press release, the first thing you need to do is keep it short. Keep videos under two minutes long and don't go over five minutes unless it's absolutely necessary. If you have more time than that available for your video, then use it wisely by adding voiceover or a call-to-action at the end of each section so that people can easily identify what they need to do next after watching your video!

You also want your press release written in an engaging way so that readers are interested in reading further into what you have written—that means using strong language and imagery when possible (but not too much). This will make them feel like they're getting value out of viewing this piece which keeps their attention focused on what matters most: getting their message across clearly with minimal distractions from unnecessary details added later down the line during editing/post production phases."

Focus on one thing for each video press release.

The first thing you should do is focus on one thing. You don't want to try to say too much and lose your audience's attention, so keep it simple by focusing on one main point that you want people to take away from the video. This can be anything from a new product or service launch, an announcement of an upcoming event (like a conference), or even just an introduction of yourself and what you do as the company behind this particular project.

Once you've narrowed down what exactly it is about your company or product that needs highlighting in this example press release video (or any other), think about how best way to include those elements without making things too cluttered!

Try using a professional voiceover for that media feel.

Voiceover is a great way to add professionalism and polish to your video. A professional voiceover can be used in place of text, which makes it an effective way to explain things (like how your new product will save time and money) or express emotion (like excitement about launching). You could also use it for delivering a call-to-action: “Order now!” or “Contact us today!”

Make the most of B-roll footage and pictures.

B-roll footage and pictures are the most effective way to fill out your music video press release. They give you more content to work with, allowing you to showcase your company's products or services in ways that other media might not.

B-roll footage is any clip from a different source than what is being used for your main presentation; it can come from other videos on YouTube or websites like Vimeo, it could be photos taken by someone else at an event where you're speaking, or even live footage of yourself as host of an event (like when I was speaking at [company name] last month).

Pictures are images that have been taken by someone else—for example: a photo of someone holding up their phone while walking down the street; a picture taken by another person who has decided to post it online; even screenshots from Facebook posts!

Showcase what other video press releases are saying about you.

Showcase what other video press releases are saying about you.

Think of it like a direct-mail campaign, but it’s more effective because you can tailor the messages to be relevant to your audience. For example, if you’re selling shoes and clothing and have received positive reviews from customers who have bought them, then highlight those testimonials in your video news release as well as any other relevant information (such as awards or positive feedback).

Leverage the power of music in your VNRs.

The use of music in your VNRs can be used to create a mood or feeling, draw attention to specific parts of the video and reinforce messages. Music also has the ability to create urgency and link different elements together in one piece.

Check your facts with a strong call to action.

Before you submit your press release, it's important to check the facts. Your first step should be to double-check that all the information in your press release is accurate and up-to-date. This includes spelling, grammar and punctuation—and even facts like the number of employees at a company or the annual revenue generated by their business.

Another thing to keep in mind when checking facts: don't put too much pressure on yourself! You may feel like every mistake is costing you 30 seconds on airtime (or more), but remember that if someone else makes an error while reading your release they'll just skip over it without even seeing what was wrong with it in order not get distracted by something else when they're trying hard enough already just look at whatever copywriter wrote this down for them!

The final point here is about making sure everything sounds professional enough so people will listen instead of tune out immediately because there wasn't enough effort put into writing it properly first time around."

Include links to your website, social media platforms and other information to keep viewers interested long after they’ve watched the video news release itself.

When you include links to your website, social media platforms and other information about you in your video press release, viewers will be able to stay on-topic for longer. This increases your chances of getting more views from people who have already seen what you’re doing.

If it helps, include a link directly back to the beginning of this article so viewers can see how they can use this method as well!

Writing a video press release is not just about putting words together, it is also following some best practices to ensure that you are doing things right and creating content that grabs attention, informs and entertains people enough to buy from you or follow your social media accounts or sign up for newsletters from you.

Writing a video press release is not just about putting words together, it is also following some best practices to ensure that you are doing things right and creating content that grabs attention, informs and entertains people enough to buy from you or follow your social media accounts or sign up for newsletters from you.

The first thing to keep in mind when writing a video press release is to have a clear message. It needs to be easy for the audience member(s) who read it or watch the video online on TV or mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets (if possible). You want them understand what type of information they can gain from watching/reading the piece so they know exactly why they should watch/read it in order for them not only get their money's worth but also see if there's any value afterwards before deciding whether or not something else might work better for them personally because each person responds differently depending upon their own personal circumstances which makes sure everyone gets what they need out of content creation regardless how long


Video press releases are an effective tool for companies to get their message out to potential and existing customers. They can be used for both traditional and digital marketing campaigns, as well as PR efforts. The key is to create engaging content that will keep viewers interested long after they’ve watched the video news release itself. Remember that people read text more quickly than watching a video, so make sure you include captions or subtitles in order for them understand what’s going on around them without having to wait too long before getting back into the flow of things again!

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