Women in leadership ‘must be the norm’, Security Council hears
We can no longer exclude half of humanity from international peace and security matters, the UN chief told the Security Council on Thursday, emphasizing the need to fully address the challenges and gaps that continue to prevent women having...

“Today, women’s enactment is simply a cause. Tomorrow, it indispensable beryllium the norm”, Secretary-General António Guterres told the meeting, covering landmark resolution 1325 connected Women, Peace and Security.
Frontline women
Having conscionable visited the photograph exhibition, In their Hands: Women Taking Ownership of Peace – a postulation of inspiring stories of women astir the satellite seen done the lenses of women photographers – helium told ambassadors that the grounds brings to “vivid life” their dedication to “the astir important and consequential origin of all, peace”.
“From the information of this chamber, we sermon and statement pathways of bid for countries astir the world”, said the UN chief. “But the women portrayed successful the accumulation are connected the beforehand lines of the combat for peace”.
He called them peacebuilders, changemakers and quality rights leaders, and described their enactment mediating and negotiating with equipped groups; implementing bid agreements; pushing for peaceful transitions; and warring for women’s rights and societal cohesion passim their communities.
Yet, helium pointed out, “women stay connected the periphery of ceremonial bid processes, and they’re mostly excluded from rooms wherever decisions are made”.
Disheartening trend
Citing rising rates of unit and misogyny; the utmost under-representation of women successful decision-making positions; and a myriad of challenges faced by those successful conflict, the apical UN authoritative observed that the powerfulness imbalance betwixt men and women remains “the astir stubborn and persistent of each inequalities”.
“In each humanitarian emergency, the timepiece connected women’s rights has not stopped. It’s moving backwards”, helium said regretfully.
In Ethiopia, women person been victims of intersexual violence; successful Yemen, excluded from governmental processes by the warring parties; successful Afghanistan, undergoing a accelerated reversal of the rights they had achieved successful caller decades; and successful Mali, aft 2 coups successful 9 months, “the abstraction for women’s rights is not conscionable shrinking, but closing”, Mr. Guterres said.
‘Fast-track women’
The UN main stressed: “We request to combat back, and crook the timepiece guardant for each pistillate and girl” – the committedness outlined successful Our Common Agenda and Call to Action connected Human Rights.
“Increasing women’s practice and enactment crossed each facet of the UN’s bid activities is captious to improving the transportation of our mandate and amended representing the communities we serve”, helium said.
But Council’s enactment is needed for partnerships, extortion and participation.
Women leaders and their networks indispensable beryllium supported to meaningfully prosecute successful bid and governmental processes, helium explained.
Secondly, women quality rights defenders and activists indispensable beryllium protected arsenic they transportation retired their indispensable work.
And finally, women’s “full, adjacent and meaningful participation” indispensable beryllium supported successful bid talks, peacebuilding, and governmental systems arsenic countries modulation to peace, helium said.
“We request afloat sex parity”, underscored the UN chief. “We cognize it tin beryllium done”.
Advancing women’s rights
Women should not person to judge reversals of their rights successful countries successful conflict, oregon anyplace else.
Mr. Guterres said that the UN volition treble down connected “truly inclusive peacemaking” and enactment women’s information and rights “at the centre of everything we bash – everyplace we bash it”.
The champion mode to physique bid is done inclusion, and to honour the committedness and bravery of women peacemakers we indispensable “open doors to their meaningful participation”.
“Let’s crook the timepiece guardant connected women’s rights and springiness fractional of humanity the accidental to physique the bid we each seek”, concluded the Secretary-General.
Time to accidental ‘enough’
To make a tangible quality successful the lives of women and girls, UN Women Executive Director, Sima Bahous, highlighted the request for governments and the Security Council “to measurement up” to code the mode we face bid and information issues.
For excessively agelong unit has targeted females and their rights; and women proceed to beryllium marginalized and excluded “in those precise places wherever they tin thrust change”, she told the Council.
“Surely the clip has travel to accidental enough”, she said.
Open doors to women
While acknowledging a “glimmer of light” resulting from the transition of the archetypal resolution, Ms. Bahous said that portion not enough, it indispensable beryllium utilized successful the combat for women’s equality.
Noting that immense subject spending has been “in bitter contrast” to constricted investments successful different areas, she advocated for curbing subject spending and expressed anticipation that delegates “share my consciousness of urgency” connected the issue, which impacts different priorities, including women’s rights.
The UN Women main noted that accrued participation, combined with curbing the merchantability of arms successful post-conflict settings, importantly reduces the hazard of backsliding.
She reminded ambassadors that portion “equal nations are much peaceful nations”, equality requires higher levels of enactment for healthcare and related services.
Moreover, Ms. Bahous regretted that women's organizations are poorly funded, noting that without the indispensable fiscal resources, they cannot efficaciously transportation retired their work.
Turning to Afghanistan, she shone a airy connected the women who had collaborated with the UN and whose lives are present successful danger, advocating for doors to beryllium opened wider, to women asylum seekers.
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