The No. 1 Cause of Halloween Injuries: Carving the Pumpkin
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says pumpkin carving is the leading cause of injuries associated with Halloween.

SATURDAY, Oct. 23, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Your Jack-o'-Lantern whitethorn beryllium much than scary — it could beryllium dangerous.
Pumpkin carving is the starring origin of injuries associated with Halloween, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Between October and November 2018 successful the United States, 44% of Halloween-linked injuries were connected with pumpkin-carving activities.
More than one-quarter of Halloween-related injuries included cuts, ingestions and costume, pumpkin oregon decoration-related injuries, and determination were astir 2,700 injuries involving trips and falls.
"There is simply a crushed Halloween is called 'fright night' — it is, aft all, the spookiest nighttime of the year. But determination is different mentation of that word that concerns orthopedic surgeons successful the exigency department: a spike successful trauma injuries," said Dr. Craig Phillips. He is an orthopedic manus surgeon and an American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) spokesperson.
"It is important for parents to found wide boundaries with their kids and thatch them information tips to guarantee they person a affirmative experience, alternatively than having to sojourn the hospital," Phillips said successful AAOS quality release.
When carving your pumpkin, usage a carving kit oregon knives specifically designed for the task, the AAOS advised. Carve pumpkins successful a clean, adust and well-lit area, and marque definite determination is nary moisture connected the carving tools oregon your hands.
If idiosyncratic suffers a cut, use unit with a cleanable cloth and elevate the injured country supra the heart. If bleeding does not halt wrong 10 to 15 minutes oregon if the chopped is deep, you whitethorn request to spot a doctor, the academy noted. Make definite cuts are cleaned and covered with cleanable bandages.
Don't enactment candles successful Halloween pumpkins and different decorations. Instead, usage non-flammable airy sources specified arsenic glow sticks oregon artificial pumpkin lights, the experts suggested.
Before you usage a ladder to enactment up Halloween decorations, cheque it for escaped screws, hinges oregon rungs. Never spot a ladder connected uneven crushed oregon flooring. Place the ladder successful well-lit areas and marque definite determination are nary tripping hazards, specified arsenic escaped electrical hold cords crossed walking paths.
The highest lasting level connected a stepladder should beryllium 2 steps down from the top, the AAOS warned. To forestall slipping portion connected the ladder, beryllium definite that the soles of your shoes are cleanable and don't deterioration leather-soled shoes. Always person idiosyncratic spot you portion you're connected a ladder and determination the ladder erstwhile indispensable alternatively of overreaching.
More information
The National Safety Council offers much Halloween information tips.
SOURCE: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, quality release, Oct. 6, 2021
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