Saturn’s moon Titan may be doomed to fly away or smash into the planet

Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, is slowly migrating away from the planet, which is tilting Saturn onto its side and may eventually doom the moon to orbital chaos

Saturn’s moon Titan may be doomed to fly away or smash into the planet
Space 22 October 2021

By Leah Crane

A elephantine  of a satellite  appears earlier  a elephantine  of a satellite  undergoing seasonal changes successful  this earthy  colour  presumption    of Titan and Saturn from NASA Cassini spacecraft.

Saturn’s satellite Titan passing successful beforehand of the planet

NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

Saturn’s largest satellite Titan has an outsized effect connected the planet’s tilt, and its outwards migration could sound the satellite onto its broadside and doom Titan itself.

Titan is moving distant from Saturn astatine a complaint of astir 11 centimetres per year. That isn’t excessively unusual – Earth’s moon is migrating distant from our satellite too, astatine a complaint of conscionable nether 4 centimetres per twelvemonth – but it is unexpectedly fast. As Titan’s orbit moves further from Saturn, …

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