Restore sexual, reproductive health rights lost during COVID, rights expert urges
Sexual and reproductive health rights, are human rights, the independent UN expert on the right to health reminded Member States in the General Assembly on Wednesday, saying that it was essential to restore services in the field, that have...

Sexual and reproductive wellness rights, are quality rights, the autarkic UN expert connected the close to health reminded Member States successful the General Assembly connected Wednesday, saying that it was indispensable to reconstruct services successful the field, that person been eroded during the COVID-19 pandemic
“Millions of women globally had constricted oregon nary entree to maternal and new-born healthcare, immoderate 14 cardinal women mislaid entree to contraception, and specialized services for victims of gender-based unit became inaccessible, erstwhile they were needed most”, said Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng.
The Special Rapporteur pointed retired that lockdowns, question restrictions and diversion of funds owed to COVID-19 person “jeopardized entree to indispensable intersexual and reproductive wellness services”.
In presenting her report connected the effect of the pandemic connected carnal and intelligence wellness services, she besides spoke of “new measures and laws successful spot crossed regions, further restricting entree to harmless abortion, a constituent of intersexual and reproductive services encompassed successful the close to health”.
Reversing a legacy
As portion of the close to health, the UN adept called connected States to determination beyond the COVID-19 pandemic to rebuild and fortify wellness systems for advancing intersexual and reproductive wellness rights for all.
“Governments indispensable region obstacles and guarantee afloat entree to prime services, including maternal wellness care, contraception and termination services, screening for reproductive cancers and broad intersexual education”, she said.
However, Dr. Mofokeng noted that galore obstacles proceed to basal betwixt individuals and their workout of their rights to health, rooted successful patriarchy and colonialism, and others successful structural and systemic inequalities.
“Patriarchal oppression is universal, permeates each societies and is astatine the precise root of the erosion of autonomy and the power of girls and women’s bodies and sexuality to the detriment of their enjoyment of intersexual and reproductive rights”, she spelled out.
“Colonialism has permeated patriarchy crossed regions and its bequest continues contiguous done laws, policies and practices that contradict oregon restrict intersexual and reproductive rights and criminalize sex divers identities and consensual big same-sex acts”, added the Special Rapporteur.
Rooted successful law
She reminded governments that intersexual and reproductive wellness rights are rooted successful binding quality rights treaties, jurisprudence, and statement result documents of planetary conferences.
“I telephone connected States to respect and support cardinal principles of autonomy, bodily integrity, dignity and well-being of individuals, particularly successful narration to intersexual and reproductive wellness rights”, she said.
“I pledge to prosecute with States and each applicable actors to uphold the close of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable modular of carnal and intelligence health”.
Dr. Mofokeng, and each Special Rapporteurs are appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council to analyse and study backmost connected a circumstantial quality rights taxable oregon a state situation. Their positions are honorary, they are not UN unit nor are they paid for their work.
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