Moving Past Theranos: What Is Possible With Blood Analysis?
While the company failed to deliver on its promise to revolutionize the industry, some testing has been slowly moving away from labs and into clinics.

Oct. 25, 2021 -- Once valued astatine implicit $9 cardinal dollars, it seemed similar Theranos was going to alteration the satellite of regular blood testing. Their assertion was revolutionary: Using humor from a digit prick, they could tally implicit 200 antithetic tests. With a travel to a section pharmacy, idiosyncratic could get investigating done without getting humor drawn and person the results successful hours, alternatively than days. What’s more, Theranos said dozens of tests could beryllium tally connected 1 driblet of humor alone, and these tests would outgo a fraction of accepted laboratory work.
But famously, Theranos’s location of cards came tumbling down. The microwave-sized instrumentality that supposedly could tally these tests, dubbed the “Edison,” simply did not work. What came arsenic a daze for Silicon Valley and the concern satellite was nary astonishment to those successful the humor investigating industry.
“It was similar saying you could physique a flying car that is besides a submarine, for the aforesaid terms arsenic an entry-level Toyota,” says Sheldon Campbell, MD, PhD, a prof of laboratory medicine astatine Yale School of Medicine.
Unlike the satellite of computing technology, wherever 1 breakthrough tin revolutionize the full field, advancement successful humor investigation is steadier and slower, similar the automotive industry, Campbell says. While the automotive manufacture has developed hybrids and electrical vehicles, the foundations of a car person remained the same.
“The thrust trains haven't changed, and the tires haven't changed,” helium says. “It's beauteous mature technology.”
Similarly, process successful humor investigating is evolutionary, alternatively than revolutionary.
When you get humor tests done, the technician uses a needle to gully humor from a vein successful your limb into a humor postulation tube. Each conduit collects betwixt 1/2 to 1 spoon of blood, and the technician volition capable 1 to respective tubes during the draw, depending connected the fig of tests your doc ordered. This gives laboratory technicians plentifulness to enactment with, and doctors tin adjacent petition further tests aft a illustration is taken.
About fractional of humor is made up of reddish and achromatic humor cells, portion the different fractional is liquid. Most diagnostic tests usage the liquid portion, meaning that lone fractional of a modular illustration is usually utilized for testing. You tin besides usage humor from a digit prick, besides known arsenic a capillary sample, for testing, but it tin beryllium much difficult. These samples -- a fewer drops of humor -- are 30 to 100 times smaller than your modular humor draw. Unlike humor taken straight from a vein, capillary humor is mixed with liquid from tissues, which tin lend to an inaccurate result.
For simpler tests similar checking glucose levels, thing that radical with diabetes bash aggregate times a day, utilizing a tiny magnitude of humor from a digit works conscionable fine. In fact, the astir precocious glucose monitors tin adjacent nutrient close results with a fraction of the humor needed for a emblematic capillary sample.
“You're virtually capable to instrumentality the capillary sample, spot it connected your trial strip, enactment it into your device, and this elemental one-step chemic absorption takes spot successful that investigating enclosure truthful that you tin get a glucose measurement,” says Kimberly Sanford, MD, president of the American Society of Clinical Pathology.
But moving much analyzable tests that necessitate aggregate chemic reactions retired of cardinal laboratories and into clinics gets trickier, Sanford says. Running aggregate tests connected a fewer drops of humor besides adds further engineering challenges, arsenic a definite magnitude of humor is indispensable for each result.
Diagnostic investigating that occurs extracurricular of the lab, besides known arsenic point-of-care testing, is besides much costly than investigating done successful a centralized lab. While these larger labs are built to negociate aggregate samples astatine 1 time, point-of-care investigating is done 1 astatine a time.
To truly get your bang for your buck, the tests request to beryllium easy, fast, and, astir importantly, accurate. Unless these in-office tests tin supply clinicians with each the accusation they request to marque a aesculapian decision, it makes much consciousness to nonstop disconnected samples to a lab.
“No constituent of attraction test, nevertheless simple, is easier than checking disconnected 1 much container connected a laboratory bid form,” Campbell says.
But contempt these hurdles, bits and pieces of laboratory investigating person been making their mode to clinics and bedside care.
“They're akin technologies to what we would usage successful the main laboratory connected the larger analyzers, but they miniaturize them marque them much portable,” says James H. Nichols, PhD, a prof of pathology, microbiology, and immunology astatine Vanderbilt University Medical Center successful Nashville.
Advances successful microfluidics -- systems that process precise tiny amounts of liquid for investigating -- person made it imaginable to tally aggregate diagnostic tests connected a fewer drops of blood, conscionable not arsenic galore arsenic Theranos had promised.
Abbott Laboratory’s i-STAT, for example, a handheld humor analyzer with test-specific, single-use cartridges, tin present aggregate results from a modular finger-prick sample. Their Chem 8+ cartridge tin present results for 9 metabolic measures with a fewer drops of blood. To execute a test, the idiosyncratic places 2 oregon 3 drops of full humor connected the trial cartridge, which is past inserted into the analyzer. A caller trial cartridge is utilized for each patient.
The i-STAT delivers lab-accurate investigating for humor gases, electrolytes, chemistries, coagulation, hematology, glucose, and cardiac markers, an Abbott spokesperson says. Results are disposable successful 2 minutes.
While the instrumentality was designed for urgent attraction settings, it is present besides utilized astatine wellness fairs, aesculapian tents astatine events, and galore different mobile attraction settings, Nichols says.
A fewer tabletop humor chemistry analyzers that execute these aforesaid types of tests are besides disposable for some exigency attraction arsenic good arsenic outpatient clinics. The Piccolo Xpress, for example, a portable analyzer astir the size of a shoebox, tin tally up to 14 tests connected a finger-prick illustration of humor and present results successful 12 minutes.
Complete humor counts, a communal radical of tests that number the fig of achromatic humor cells, reddish humor cells, and platelets successful your blood, person besides begun to marque their mode into superior attraction and different outpatient clinics, Nichols says. With a fewer drops of blood, a clinician tin get results successful 3 minutes oregon less.
Looking forward, “there’s besides going to much infectious illness [testing] moving from the main laboratory and retired into the community,” Nichols says, which successful portion has been driven by the value of accelerated COVID-19 testing. For example, processing further rapid, easy-to-use tests for diseases much communal extracurricular of the United States, similar malaria and dengue fever, could assistance amended entree to laboratory diagnostics successful processing countries, helium says.
“It’s going to beryllium an evolutionary process,” Campbell says, arsenic bits and pieces of laboratory investigating proceed to beryllium adapted to much accelerated and portable technologies. “And it volition enactment for some directions. The point-of-care marketplace is intelligibly expanding, and radical are coming up with clever ideas and ways of doing things astatine point-of-care, but the lab-based broadside won't beryllium static either,” helium said. “They'll benignant of turn toward each other.”
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