Libyan Government plan needed to end ‘dire situation’ of asylum seekers, refugees
The Libyan government must immediately address the dire situation of asylum-seekers and refugees, in a humane manner, consistent with international human rights law, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Friday.

The Libyan authorities indispensable instantly code the dire concern of asylum-seekers and refugees, in a humane manner, consistent with international human rights law, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) said connected Friday.
According to UNHCR, authorities carried retired raids and arbitrary arrests this period which targeted areas mostly populated by refugees and asylum-seekers.
This resulted successful respective deaths, thousands detained, and galore stateless and destitute.
“We person witnessed a crisp deterioration successful the concern facing susceptible asylum-seekers and refugees successful Tripoli”, Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR’s Special Envoy for the Western and Central Mediterranean Situation said. “The Libyan authorities indispensable travel up with a due program that respects their rights and identifies durable solutions.”
Situation ‘precarious’ for many
“Since the commencement of the information raids and arrests by the Libyan authorities successful October, we person witnessed a crisp deterioration successful the concern facing susceptible asylum-seekers and refugees successful Tripoli” - @cochetel— UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (@Refugees) October 22, 2021
The concern for immoderate 3,000 radical presently sheltering extracurricular the Community Day Centre (CDC) successful Tripoli, “is precise precarious” UNHCR said. Many radical person been affected by the raids; their homes person been demolished and they person escaped from detention after suffering terrible conditions.
Others person joined the radical hoping to beryllium evacuated, the agency added. “Many person been near stateless and mislaid each their belongings arsenic a effect of the information cognition and are present sleeping successful the acold and successful a precise unsafe environment.
“This is utterly unacceptable,” Mr. Cochetel stated.
UNHCR and its partners provided aesculapian assistance and different services astatine the centre but suspended operations for information and information reasons. Agency staff are talking with representatives of the protesters extracurricular the CDC, to explicate the constricted assistance it tin offer, including currency and food support.
Last week, the UN quality rights bureau (OHCHR) also issued an alert concerning a fig of major incidents successful which migrants and asylum seekers had been targeted since the opening of October.
In a raid by Ministry of Interior unit connected an informal colony in Gergaresh, astir 12 kilometres westbound of Tripoli, information forces utilized unnecessary and disproportionate unit to detain women, children and men. At slightest 1 idiosyncratic died, 5 were injured, and much than 4,000 were detained.
Evacuation ‘not enough’
UNHCR reiterated that it stands acceptable to enactment an urgent enactment program that could assistance alleviate the suffering of asylum-seekers and refugees successful Libya.
While it welcomed the authorization to restart humanitarian evacuation flights, the bureau warned that it was not enough. “This is simply a affirmative improvement for immoderate of the astir susceptible refugees, who person been waiting anxiously for galore months to depart.
“Our teams are already moving to guarantee humanitarian flights tin restart arsenic soon arsenic possible,” Mr. Cochetel said.
“But we besides request to beryllium realistic: resettlement oregon evacuation flights volition lone payment a constricted fig of people.” More than 1,000 susceptible refugees and asylum-seekers are presently prioritised for humanitarian flights and awaiting their resumption, according to UNHCR.
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