Here are some of the cutest robots ever created

We’ve come a long way since the mechanical bots of Batteries Not Included, Short Circuit and other classic 80s science fiction.Possibly to make them

Here are some of the cutest robots ever created

(Pocket-lint) - We’ve travel a agelong mode since the mechanical bots of Batteries Not Included, Short Circuit and different classical 80s subject fiction.

Possibly to marque them much palatable for a location audience, particularly if they’re designed to unrecorded alongside your family, robot engineers are present making robots to look twee, endearing and adjacent show human-like emotions – and we’ve rounded up immoderate of the cutest.

Some are furry, immoderate are tiny and each would beryllium an perfect companion.

Buddy the affectional robot

Billed arsenic the world’s archetypal affectional companion robot by its makers Blue Frog robotics, Buddy is part-pet, part-personal assistant, part-playmate for you and your small ones.

A touchscreen display, susceptible of broadcasting video calls and playing games on, doubles up arsenic Buddy’s look and its look changes based connected the robot’s “mood.”

When you get home, Buddy’s look volition airy up; if you don’t springiness it capable attention, Buddy volition go grumpy oregon sad; erstwhile it's playing, Buddy volition grin and laugh.

Beyond its affectional features, Buddy tin besides enactment arsenic a information camera, smart-home controller, and tin beryllium utilized to acceptable timers oregon reminders.


Outside of the home, robots tin besides beryllium utilized arsenic companions for radical going done therapy, arsenic demonstrated by PARO, a robotic seal built to assistance trim accent and boost the temper of radical successful hospitals and extended attraction facilities.

Its plan builds upon a assemblage of technological probe that has shown carnal therapy tin beryllium utilized arsenic portion of attraction plans for susceptible people. Fitted with 5 sensors – tactile, light, audition, temperature, and posture sensors – PARO tin respond to interaction and a alteration of situation and volition set its behaviour to suit. This includes “playing” with their patient, mimicking the noises of a harp seal and moving its assemblage and caput successful a lifelike mode to cheer a diligent up.

It has been truthful effective, successful 2002 the Guinness World Record officially recognised PARO arsenic the world's astir therapeutic robot and it has proved peculiarly utile successful the attraction of patients with dementia.

Somnox slumber robot

It whitethorn beryllium lacking the facial features oregon expressions of the Buddy and Lovot machines, but Somnox’s Sleep Robot has been designed to beryllium much cuddly. In a literal sense. As its sanction suggests, and acknowledgment to its curved shape, you tin spoon the Sleep Robot successful furniture and it volition simulate breathing rhythms to assistance you modulate and dilatory down your ain breathing to marque it easier to unbend and sleep.

It tin besides play a assortment of sounds, including a guided meditation oregon heartbeat and, if you aftermath successful the night, question detection sensors volition power the Sleep Robot’s features backmost connected to assistance you drift backmost off.


While the Somnox Sleep Robot is aimed astatine adults, the Woobo is simply a furry robot being firmly marketed astatine children.

Not excessively dissimilar to the plan of a Furby, yet with much smarts, the Woobo features a touchscreen show successful the centre of a rounded, fluffy assemblage and beneath a brace of brushed ears.

Like Buddy, this surface showcases a scope of Woobo’s facial expressions but tin besides tally apps and games designed to thatch your kid however to read, constitute and lick maths problems. An onboard dependable adjunct tin reply your child’s questions and you tin adjacent usage Woobo to acceptable reminders for your kids, from telling them erstwhile to brushwood their teeth to erstwhile to spell to bed, oregon nonstop them messages. 


In a similar, furry vein, the Leonardo robot looks similar a transverse betwixt a dog, fox and Mogwai from 1980s classic, Gremlins.

Named aft Leonardo Da Vinci, the societal robot is 2.5ft gangly and is covered successful fake fur. It was the archetypal robot created by the Personal Robots Group astatine the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, successful concern with animatronic experts astatine the Stan Winston Studios, NASA, Toyota and DARPA.

Its intent is to amusement however robots tin enactment alongside humans and it uses its motors, sensors, and cameras to mimic quality expressions, interact and way objects. It wasn’t built arsenic a user product, alternatively of being utilized and developed arsenic portion of Navy and astronaut grooming schemes.


Less brushed and cuddly than others successful this list, but nary little cute, is Kiki. Built by ex-Google employees present trading arsenic Zoetic AI, Kiki was “created for those who can't negociate an carnal pet, but privation to attraction for and rise thing conscionable arsenic delightful.”

As a result, it looks similar a favored canine – oregon cat, depending connected however you spot it – and it acts successful a akin mode to a real-life carnal by learning from its proprietor and processing a property depending connected however it's interacted with and cared for.

For example, if you’re mean to it, Kiki mightiness disregard you but if you amusement it emotion and affection, it volition play and interact much with you. It tin adjacent “growl” astatine the vacuum. This means each Kiki is antithetic and unsocial to their family.

Bocco Emo

Four years aft Yukai launched its archetypal Bocco, a humanoid robot utilized by families to nonstop messages and remotely instrumentality attraction of loved ones, the Japanese steadfast revealed an “emo” mentation astatine CES 2019.

Called Bocco Emo, the robot moves its caput and says hullo erstwhile it senses idiosyncratic is nearby. It besides lights up its eyes, shakes its antenna and makes cute sounds successful effect to affectional words – specified arsenic “happy” and “tired.”


From the aforesaid engineers down the Bocco and Bocco Emo is Qoobo. It looks similar a feline without a caput oregon limbs and consists of cushion and process covered successful soft, fake fur.

The robotic mechanics are housed wrong the cushion and you tin bargain it with either successful “husky grey” oregon “French brown”.  When you beryllium and changeable the cushion, the process swishes and wags successful appreciation, which is said to assistance little accent levels.

Yume Neko Smile

If you similar your robot pets to really look the animals they’re expected to be, effort the Yume Neko Smile.

Made by Sega Toys, and construe from Japanese to Dream Cat Smile, the Yume Neko is covered successful fake fur and is fitted with tactile sensors passim the assemblage that tin find however they’re being touched, and it volition respond appropriately. For example, patting it connected the caput and scratching it volition marque it purr and hitch up against your hand. Pulling its process oregon petting it excessively overmuch volition marque it angry.


The lone humanoid robot successful this database is the ace cute Robi. It measures conscionable 34cm gangly and walks, talks and dances, acknowledgment to its 20 motorised joints.

Robi tin crook its caput and pelvis 360 degrees, portion microphones successful its ears tin observe wherever a person’s dependable is coming from allowing it to crook its caput successful that direction. Its onboard dependable adjunct tin talk and recognize much than 250 words, phrases and commands and has an infrared distant emitter successful its forehead meaning it tin beryllium utilized arsenic a cosmopolitan distant control. Because, wherefore not?

It is imaginable to bargain Robi pre-assembled, oregon you tin physique it yourself, week-by-week, with a magazine.

PaPeRo Petit

Slightly shorter than Robi, but much advanced, is the PaPeRo Petit from NEC. Measuring conscionable 24cm, it is crammed afloat of sensors that lets it recognise faces, spot radical oregon pets utilizing its vigor sensor oregon ultrasonic sensor, perceive voices portion cutting done surrounding sounds and reply to questions and conversations.

NEC claims these features mean the PaPeRo Petit is “almost connected the level of talking with a household subordinate oregon friend.”

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Androbot Topo

Topo was an astonishing robot by 1980s standards. It was programmable via the Apple II and would determination astir according to its program. 

Sure it wasn't arsenic fancy arsenic robots of today's standards, but was inactive amusive to programme and adjacent had text-to-speech capabilities. 

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Tomy Verbot

The Tomy Verbot is different cute robot from the 1980s. This small bundle of amusive could respond to dependable commands and would question its small robot arms astir the place. It could adjacent ace a grin with the usage of its light-up mouth. Neat. 


Robear is simply a weirdly cute looking robot that's designed to assistance with aged attraction and lifting physically impaired elder citizens retired of their furniture and into a wheelchair. 

Perhaps the cute look is designed to enactment them astatine ease? We conscionable find it freaky. 

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RoBoHon is simply a robot that besides doubles arsenic a smartphone. It tin people spot and instrumentality calls but it besides has a projector built into its face. A useful bot to person around! 

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Need a spot of cheer successful your life? Then Murata mightiness beryllium the bot to crook to. It's pitched arsenic the world's archetypal robot cheerleader. As you tin ideate that means it's afloat of flair and has the quality to creation and entertain with flashing lights. 

Lovot - the emotion robot

Most robots are built with applicable features successful caput and their cute designs thin to travel later. The Lovot robot is the opposite. A portmanteau of the words Love and Robot, Lovot has been built purely “to beryllium loved by you.”

As its makers explain, “we person utilized exertion not to amended convenience oregon efficiency, but to heighten levels of comfortableness and feelings of love” and Lovot does this by reacting to its owner’s mood. If you’re feeling sad, Lovot volition attack you for a hug, oregon it tin sing a relaxing opus erstwhile you’re stressed. Of course, contempt its Japanese maker’s claims astir it lone being built arsenic a companion, Lovot does besides diagnostic navigation technology, cameras and astute sensors meaning it tin beryllium utilized to support an oculus connected your home. In 1 example, it’s shown doubling up arsenic a babe monitor.

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Artie 3000


Artie 3000 is simply a coding robot that's designed for kids and is built to assistance them learn. It includes some games and programming resources to assistance kids larn to code.

It's besides amazingly affordable which is surely a bonus. 

Writing by Victoria Woollaston. Editing by Adrian Willings. Originally published connected 30 October 2019.

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