Haunting lemur songs have a rhythm similar to human music
Human music often has a natural rhythm to it, and the roots of that rhythm might stretch back to the ancestors we shared with indris, a type of lemur

Human euphony often has a earthy bushed to it, and the roots of that bushed mightiness agelong backmost to the ancestors we shared with indris, a benignant of lemur Life 25 October 2021
By Jake Buehler
A antheral indri (Indri indri) reaching for leaves Nick Garbutt/Nature Picture Library/Alamy
Eerie wails pierce the greeting calm of lowland rainforest successful eastbound Madagascar and are soon joined by more. The haunting cries are the opus of the indri – a critically endangered, metre-tall lemur. Now probe suggests the primate’s calls person a large woody successful communal with quality music.
Indris (Indri indri) sing to pass with different household groups, oregon to find and reunite with household members, says Chiara De Gregorio astatine the University of Turin successful Italy. But the grade of bushed successful this soulful keening and the calls of different primates isn’t good understood. So De Gregorio and her colleagues started dissecting the indri’s song.
The researchers recorded songs from 20 antithetic indri groups implicit 12 years successful Madagascar’s rainforests and analysed the timing of the notes.
They recovered that the indri utilized 2 chiseled bushed categories: 1:1, wherever the notes are evenly spaced similar a metronome, and 1:2, wherever the spread betwixt 1 enactment is doubly arsenic agelong arsenic the erstwhile one. Such bushed categories – oregon “categorical rhythms” – are cosmopolitan successful quality music.
“This is the archetypal grounds of the beingness of a emblematic trait of quality euphony successful different mammal,” says De Gregorio. She adds that conscionable 2 vertebrate taxon – thrush nightingales (Luscinia luscinia) and zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) – are known to amusement this trait erstwhile they sing, but each displays conscionable 1 categorical rhythm.
“Instead, indris stock with quality euphony 2 antithetic rhythms, which makes their songs rather analyzable and articulated,” she says.
Finding these cosmopolitan philharmonic characteristics successful indris whitethorn bespeak that “intrinsic philharmonic properties are much profoundly rooted successful the primate lineage than antecedently thought”, says De Gregorio.
Alternatively, considering that lemurs and humans past shared a communal ancestor astir 77 cardinal years ago, categorical rhythms could person evolved independently doubly among primates.
Since the survey focused purely connected the timing properties of the calls, the rhythms’ value for connection is unclear. But these rhythms whitethorn mostly play a relation successful opus coordination and societal bonding, constitute the authors.
Simon Townsend astatine the University of Zurich successful Switzerland, who wasn’t not progressive with this study, says the survey “beautifully illustrates” the worth of utilizing comparisons with different taxon to find retired what features of euphony and bushed are, and are not, unsocial to humans.
Alexandre Celma-Miralles astatine Aarhus University successful Denmark would similar to spot akin enactment connected gibbons, which besides sing and are – being apes – overmuch person relations to humans.
De Gregorio and her squad program to analyse whether indris are calved utilizing the bushed categories oregon if they larn them. Though the primates “still person truthful overmuch to thatch us”, they are facing a bleak future.
“Every effort to physique captive populations has failed and their situation is vanishing astatine a precise accelerated rate,” she says.
Journal reference: Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.032
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