Gun violence rose 30 per cent in the US during the covid-19 pandemic
Gun violence rose overall in the US during the covid-19 pandemic. The highest increase was seen in Minnesota, while Alaska had a dip in gun violence cases

Cases of weapon unit surged successful the US during the pandemic Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images
Gun unit roseate by 31 per cent successful the US during the archetypal 13 months of the covid-19 pandemic, though it is unclear why.
“We cognize weapon unit has been rising successful the US, but this was a important leap from erstwhile years,” says Paddy Ssentongo astatine Pennsylvania State University. “I was amazed by however stark the results were.”
He and his colleagues compared rates of weapon unit crossed each US authorities for the archetypal 13 months of the pandemic – 1 March 2020 to 31 March 2021 – with the 13 months anterior to the commencement of the pandemic – 31 January 2019 to 29 February 2020.
The squad utilized information from the not-for-profit Gun Violence Archive, which collects constabulary records connected some injuries and deaths caused by guns.
For example, the fig of injuries from guns successful the US betwixt 2018 and 2019 roseate by 7 per cent, from 28,000 to 30,000. But during the covid-19 pandemic, the researchers recovered a 33 per cent emergence successful weapon injuries, with numbers rising from 32,348 successful the pre-pandemic play they analysed to 43,288 successful archetypal 13 months of the pandemic.
The squad besides recovered that 28 states had a peculiarly important emergence successful gun violence during the pandemic, including Iowa, Vermont and North Dakota. Minnesota saw the highest leap with a 120 per cent rise.
Overall, the squad recovered that determination were 21,504 deaths successful the US involving the usage of guns during the pandemic, a 29 per cent summation connected the 16,687 deaths successful the 13 months earlier the pandemic. Looking astatine some weapon injuries and deaths successful full – the squad saw a 31.2 per cent emergence successful incidents during the pandemic.
The lone authorities that saw a important driblet successful weapon unit during the pandemic was Alaska, wherever determination was a 33 per cent drop. “The important happening to enactment present is that these percent changes don’t archer you astir however overmuch unit these states had successful the archetypal place,” says Ssentongo. “For example, Alaska already had beauteous debased levels of weapon violence,” truthful the fig of cases of weapon unit hasn’t dropped arsenic overmuch arsenic different states.
The researchers besides couldn’t find however galore of these weapon deaths were suicides oregon homicides arsenic respective of the constabulary cases are ongoing. “We would person liked to analyse this,” says Ssentongo. “We conscionable don’t cognize for definite if the complaint of termination roseate successful the pandemic yet.”
However, Ssentongo’s findings bash correlate with a emergence successful inheritance checks for weapon purchases conducted by the FBI during the pandemic. From March to June 2020, the FBI carried retired 42 per cent much of these checks successful examination to the aforesaid months successful 2019. A recent study by researchers astatine Harvard University and Northeastern University recovered that 6.5 per cent of US adults bought a weapon successful 2020, a emergence from 5.3 per cent successful 2019.
“We cognize that erstwhile radical get entree to guns, they are much apt to beryllium progressive successful weapon violence,” says Ssentongo.
“It’s shocking however small we cognize astir this rise,” says Mark Rosenberg astatine the The Task Force for Global Health successful the US and erstwhile weapon unit pb astatine the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “There’s been precise small probe connected weapon unit successful the US for 20 years and our deficiency of cognition connected this reflects that.”
Need a listening ear? UK Samaritans: 116123; US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1 800 273 8255; hotlines successful different countries.
Journal reference: Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-98813-z
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