Fuel Cells in Brain Can Also Release Damaging Toxins
The brain cells that nourish neurons also release toxins that can destroy the very cells they feed, leading to neurodegenerative diseases.

Oct. 25, 2021 -- Star-shaped cells successful our brains called astrocytes play a important relation successful helping america think, move, and breathe. They nourish our neurons, the cells that transmit messages passim our brain and tense system to power our bodily functions.
A caller survey successful mice suggests that astrocytes besides whitethorn play a antagonistic relation successful our brains. When these cells brushwood injured neurons, they merchandise toxic fatty acids that could lend to the insubstantial harm that occurs with dementia and different neurodegenerative diseases.
After researchers made this find utilizing mice, they genetically engineered the animals to artifact accumulation of these fatty acids. Their purpose was to spot if stopping accumulation of these toxins prevented nervus compartment destruction.
In the modified mice, 75% of the nervus cells survived, compared with 10% of specified cells successful animals with usually functioning astrocytes, according to the findings, which were published successful Nature.
These toxic fatty acids bash not impact steadfast cells, the survey squad noted. The effects whitethorn beryllium confined lone to nervus cells that are damaged, injured, oregon mutated.
These findings are preliminary, and the methods the investigators utilized successful mice aren’t acceptable to beryllium utilized successful quality studies. The researchers suggest that halting accumulation of the fatty acids mightiness 1 time beryllium utilized to dainty conditions specified arsenic dementia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease. The attack mightiness beryllium safer than attacking astrocytes directly, arsenic they inactive are needed to nourish steadfast neurons.
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