Fired For Endorsing Vaccines, Daniel Darling is Continuing the Conversation
Daniel Darling was at the center of a media storm over the summer. He hopes to lead a more civil discussion at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas.

Daniel Darling was astatine the halfway of a media tempest implicit the summer. He hopes to pb a much civilian treatment astatine Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary successful Texas.

Oct. 25, 2021Updated 4:31 p.m. ET
A twelvemonth ago, Daniel Darling was pursuing quality reports astir the improvement of the coronavirus vaccines with anxious anticipation. His household had each had Covid-19 themselves, and his children had mislaid their beloved soft teacher, an different steadfast 50-year-old woman, to the virus. The pandemic was personal.
Eventually, vaccination became idiosyncratic for Mr. Darling, too. In August, endorsing the shots from an evangelical position outgo him his occupation arsenic spokesperson for the National Religious Broadcasters, a mostly blimpish radical of immoderate 1,000 members employed successful Christian media. The quality exploded not conscionable successful evangelical circles but besides into the mainstream media, giving Mr. Darling a crook successful the polarized quality rhythm that helium had antecedently observed from the sideline.
“God has enactment maine astatine the halfway of the storm,” Mr. Darling recalled reasoning to himself successful the moment. He was determined not to respond with vitriol. “Can I show forgiveness?” helium wondered. “Can I marque an entreaty to Christian unity?”
Now, Mr. Darling has an answer, oregon astatine slightest the opening of one. He has been named the manager of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement astatine Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary successful Fort Worth, an assignment that was announced connected Monday. The halfway was established successful 2007 but has been inactive since 2019. The Southern Baptist seminary hopes that nether Mr. Darling the halfway volition assistance signifier evangelical conversations connected a wide spectrum of governmental and taste issues, from bedrock evangelical issues similar termination and spiritual liberty, to technology, contention and immigration.
Almost arsenic important to Mr. Darling is the code successful which helium approaches those discussions. “I deliberation you tin person some courageousness and civility astatine the aforesaid time,” helium said. “This incessant request to combat for and teardrop radical down for athletics is truly unhealthy.”
The vaccine debacle caught Mr. Darling disconnected guard. In his circles of conservatives astatine enactment and successful the Baptist religion successful a Nashville suburb wherever helium serves arsenic an elder, the Covid vaccines — developed during the presidency of Donald J. Trump — were mostly uncontroversial astatine first.
High-profile members of his lobbying group, including the pastor Robert Jeffress and the evangelist Franklin Graham, had endorsed the vaccines publicly. In the spring, Mr. Darling’s brag adjacent sent an email to the organization’s supporters celebrating the vaccines arsenic “stunningly effective,” arsenic portion of a connection assuring them that the group’s yearly league successful Grapevine, Texas, would beryllium “a harmless and rewarding experience” for its thousands of attendees.
By then, however, the taxable of vaccination was becoming much fraught successful galore blimpish circles, including connected speech radio, a mainstay of his employer’s subordinate base.
On Aug. 1, Mr. Darling wrote a file for USA Today, wherever helium is simply a contributor, astir his ain determination to get vaccinated, adjacent arsenic helium acknowledged and adjacent validated wide wariness of the shots. “There are not galore things successful the satellite contiguous that are worthy of our trust, but I sincerely judge the Covid-19 vaccine is 1 of them,” helium wrote. “As a Christian and an American, I was arrogant to get it.”
At work, the file ruffled immoderate feathers. In a radical chat, a workfellow wondered wherefore the nonprofit organization’s spokesperson was endorsing vaccination. Troy Miller, the group’s main executive, responded successful what Mr. Darling perceived to beryllium a casual way, penning that “from present retired N.R.B. stays neutral.”
On Aug. 18, Mr. Darling appeared connected MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to sermon the column. By the extremity of the month, helium was retired of a job. Mr. Miller — a chap elder astatine Mr. Darling’s religion — has said Mr. Darling was offered different presumption and decided to permission instead. Mr. Darling calls it a firing, and said helium would person had to motion a connection admitting to willful insubordination successful speech for the lesser role. Mr. Miller declined to reply questions connected Monday morning.
The quality divided evangelicals on lines that were by past predictable. Mr. Darling’s chap institutionalists, astir of whom had endorsed the vaccines themselves, rushed to his defense. Populists and ultraconservatives called him a “pawn” of the “Christians successful Name Only” who wanted to instrumentality down his employer, and accused him of pushing “leftist causes.”
The dismissal happened arsenic galore secular employers crossed the state were enacting vaccine requirements that would yet pb to firing workers who refused to get vaccinated. Firings implicit pro-vaccine advocacy are rarer. In July, the authorities of Tennessee fired its apical vaccine official, which she has described arsenic backlash to her propulsion for teenagers successful the authorities to get vaccinated.
Being fired from his occupation astatine an evangelical enactment was an particularly awkward presumption for idiosyncratic who thinks of himself arsenic a bridge-builder. Mr. Darling, who has led communications operations for respective large evangelical organizations, tin look astir allergic to expressing a antagonistic opinion. He erstwhile wrote a publication encouraging Christians to explicit themselves much civilly online.
In discussing his ain dismissal, helium prefers to stress the overwhelming enactment from his religion aft his abrupt unemployment, and his committedness to reconciling personally with Mr. Miller. “I inactive person large religion successful the evangelical movement,” helium said.
Mr. Darling is arriving astatine the Southern Baptist seminary astatine a peculiarly fraught infinitesimal for the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, whose rank rolls person been declining for years. An energetic close flank narrowly missed placing its campaigner arsenic president astatine the group’s yearly normal this summer, and for the past respective years the denomination has been roiled with contentious interior debates implicit however to respond to intersexual maltreatment cases successful its churches and seminaries.
“There volition beryllium radical who volition knock Dan and statement him a fundamentalist,” said Adam Greenway, the seminary’s president since 2019. “And determination volition beryllium radical who telephone Dan woke and wide due to the fact that helium doesn’t spot the vaccine arsenic the people of the beast. If you’re taking a small spot of shrapnel from the fringe near and the acold right, that’s not a atrocious thing.”
Mr. Greenway compared the Land Center to the 8 halfway lanes successful a 10-lane highway. “In those 8 halfway lanes determination tin beryllium diverseness of perspective,” helium said.
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